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Welcome to


reaching and serving
youth (& families)
for more than 
25 years   



India has more than 50% of its population below the age of 25. In 2020, the average age of an Indian was 29 years, compared to 37 for China and 48 for Japan. This speaks of a relatively young nation of youth and young adults.


Every one of us is designed for a life of victory and fullness. However many young people are often caught in a web of emotional pain. Hurt, rejection, bitterness, anger, loneliness, and addictions are often a norm among them due to peer pressure and other challenges.


In this context, Kerygma seeks to encourage young people to discover themselves, discover others, and discover God. This we believe is the path to move into a life of increasing victory and joy.  


Kerygma was established in 1997 by Jacob and Sheela Isaac along with a group of young professionals to focus on the needs of the youth of India.


To students, the underprivileged and at-risk youth. 


With like-minded

organisations and professionals. 


For youth and young professionals to develop leadership skills and spiritual maturity


To train and equip youth workers by experienced facilitators. 

"God has planted a vision for good works in every heart that seeks to serve Him."

We are a volunteer-based organization that believes in a strong team built with the help of a plethora of talents and serving hearts. The synergy of this group enables them in service to the community. We seek to recruit volunteers who are of high character, talented, and willing to serve in their areas of strength.


The three foundational goals of Kerygma's strategies are to Transform, Equip, and empower the youth of our city and nation. We use personal interaction and creative means like the arts and media to connect and nurture the young lives we encounter.

*Join hands.
*Donate generously.
*Serve the needy youth  



+91 98807 76397 

+91 99720 61117



Regd. Office:


#153, 6th Cross, 3rd Main,

Ramaiyah Layout,


Bangalore - 560 084

Admin. Office:


#115/1, 3rd Avenue, 

K Narayanapura,

Shivram Karanth Nagar PO,

Bangalore - 560 077

Resource Center :


Sy Nos 67/2-9,11-13, 16-18, 21; 65/4a-d

Kurlapalli VIllage

Sri Satya Sai DIstrict

Lepakshi - 515 331

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2024 by Kerygma

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